Care PLan
Sky Bichon Frise
Care Plan
Arrival & first night: The puppy will find his new home a big change from the warmth and familiarity of his kennel and litter mates. Allow him time to become familiar with his new family & home. Some puppies need more time than others. If your puppy had a long journey he may need time to sleep. When you bring your puppy home play with him outside for a while. He’ll probably need to relieve himself more than once if he has travelled a journey. A puppy tends to wet the floor when excited. Give him plenty of opportunity to do so outside. The puppy will probably be lonely and homesick for the first few nights. A warm hot water bottle tucked under his blanket will give him comfort. A radio playing soft music will also help. Talk to him the friendly tone of your voice will reassure him.
His Bed: Place a box or basket where he can feel secure. Ensure it’s away from a direct draught and if possible place where he can see some household activity. The fleecy dog rugs now available make nice warm bedding. Remember that a puppy needs plenty of sleep. He will soon consider his bed as his sanctuary- somewhere he can feel safe and secure. Respect the puppy’s right to be undisturbed when he goes to bed. Do not confine a puppy to a damp garage or out- house. An outside wooden shelter does not give adequate shelter. A garage with car fumes is not a healthy environment for a puppy. Nothing undermines the health of a puppy as much as a damp bed or draughty, cold sleeping quarters.

Health & Vaccination: An early veterinarian’s examination will identify hidden problems, e.g. one testicle, congenital heart etc. which should be brought to the breeders attention immediately. If under 12 weeks he may not yet have had any vaccination. Phone your veterinarian clinic for an appointment giving the age of the puppy. Do not bring an unvaccinated puppy on an unnecessary trip to the clinic. Keep him confined within the area of your home until 2 weeks after his vaccination- when fully effective.
Worming: Worms adversely affect the health and condition of any puppy. Round worms, toxocara Canis, commonly found in puppies may, very occasionally, cause illness in people. The puppy should have been wormed by the breeder. A pot- bellied appearance after feeding is usually an indication of round worms. All dogs especially puppies should be wormed regularly, every 3 months or so, to prevent the spread of infection to other dogs and people. Your vet will supply you with a modern effective wormer. Freshly passed worm eggs are not contagious until 2/4 weeks later. This means that handling or petting dogs are unlikely way to pick up worms.
Handling: Teach children to handle the pup gently and warn against squeezing, dropping or teasing. Explain that the puppy is still only a baby and needs to be treated with kindness and patience. Rough handling and shouting will frighten him. Always lift the puppy by placing one hand under the hindquarters and other hand under his chest. Never pick the puppy up by the scruff of the neck.
Diet: Puppy nuts complete progressing to junior at 3 months. Dry nuts better for teeth.
Tit bits & scraps: Avoid feeding a new puppy scraps. Tasty tit bits may put him off eating his own food and if he has a tummy upset, it will make it more difficult to find the cause.
Feeding & water dishes: Heavy plastic or stainless steel are easy to keep clean. Some are designed not to topple over easily. The dishes should be solely for the puppy’s use and should be washed separately.
Water: Your dog should always have access to fresh water. As a puppy drinks food and saliva get into the water. Change the water and wash the dish each day. Clean water is even more essential than food to any animal.
Cleaning up: Dog faeces should be picked up daily and disposed of hygienically- 2 sand shovels and a roll of plastic bags are ideal for the purpose. Frequent removal will reduce the worm eggs on the ground.
Grooming: Groom the puppy regularly and will need clipping every 3 months or find a groomer nearby which would be listed in most vet clinics. Check his eyes are clear, his ears clean and if his nails need cutting. Walking on concrete will help to keep his nails down. Scratching may mean fleas or lice. There are many antiparasitic preparations available. Wash the puppy and wash his bed. Repeat in two weeks. Scratching may also be the result of too much protein in the diet.
House training: Prevent accidents, a young puppy like a baby does not have the control, take him out first thing in the morning, last thing at night and every two hours during the day. Bring him to the area you want him to use and wander around until he has relieved himself. Don’t distract him from the business in hand by playing with him. Praise him when the mission is accomplished. Stay with him; don’t just leave him out alone. Until the puppy is house trained spread newspapers near his bed. Successful training is based on praise not punishment. Shouting or spanking will only create a nervous dog. Move the newspapers gradually nearer the door. If an accident occurs wash spot well and disinfect to remove the scent.
Exercise: Playing in the garden is sufficient exercise for a young puppy. Do not allow young children to drag the puppy around before he is lead trained, which will be gradual. Basic training when he’s a puppy in the first few weeks will prevent bad habits forming i.e. jumping up on people. After a few weeks lead training can begin.Plenty of love, human companionship, suitable diet and regular exercise and some basic training will produce a happy and healthy puppy. Your kindness will be repaid 100 fold with companionship and unquestionable love and devotion.
Registration: The breeder should supply a pedigree, an Irish kennel club registration card and assign transfer of ownership form for the puppy. Completed transfer form should be sent with remittance to the Irish Kennel Club.